Pakihi Marine Farms Ltd
914 Clevedon Kawakawa Bay Rd, RD 5, Papakura, NZ
Ph +64 09 292-8023, Fax +64 09 292-8389
Email: factory@clevedonoysters.co.nz Website: www.clevedonoysters.co.nz
Since 1986 the McCallum Family have been nurturing Clevedon Coast Oysters® in the clean, clear waters of New Zealand’s Hauraki Gulf, and during that time many things have changed. One thing that hasn’t changed is our passion for the environment and how it leads to the best tasting wild caught oyster. This has led to sustainable initiatives being one of the key pillars of Clevedon Coast Oysters® and why we have decided to introduce more recyclable cardboard packaging as a sustainable packing alternative.
Our new cardboard cartons proudly advertise our involvement with both the A+ and Asurequality standards which is something we strongly believe in.
Looking forward, we strive to continue to not only produce delicious oysters but also minimise our effect on the environment while we do so.

Callum McCallum
Managing Director